Ónotað Muuto hengiljós frá Epal (2 stk.)
Model: Ambit
Af heimasíðu Epal:
Embodying the Scandinavian design values, the Ambit pendant lamp is as timeless as it is contemporary. Made of hand-spun aluminium that has been hand-painted, the Ambit has a white interior to heighten contrasts with the outside of the shade and enhance the light. It is available in two sizes, five colors and integrates seamlessly into any room of a home, office or commercial space.
Þvermál skermis: 40sm.
Snúran er 4m. á lengd.
Ath. það fylgja ekki perur.
2 ljós til.
Staðsett hjá okkur í Skeifunni 7, opið alla virka daga 11-13.
Verð 20.000 kr. án vsk stk.
Verð 24.800 kr. m/vsk.Nývirði 50.968 kr. án vsk. per ljós.
Nánari upplýsingar í síma 8981000 / 8631970
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