Glæsilegur Philippe Starck hárgreiðslustóll - hönnunarstóll (10 stk.)
Philippe Starck for Presence Paris/L'Oréal:
Swivel armchairs Classic, 1989. Steel base and foam seat covered in white poly-leather. Back in laminated mahogany. Height adjustable.
Measurements: 85 x 60 x 60 cm (x2).
Swivel armchairs made with steel base and foam seat covered in white poly-leather. All pieces are completed with a backrest made of laminated mahogany.
Starck is the son of André Starck, an aeronautical engineer who has often inspired Philippe's work. He studied at the École Nissim de Camondo in Paris. While working for Adidas, Starck set up his first industrial design company, Starck Product, which he later renamed Ubik, after the Philip K. Dick novel, and began working with manufacturers in Italy (Driade), Alessi, Kartell and internationally, including Drimmer in Austria, Vitra in Switzerland and Disform in Spain. In 1983, then French President François Mitterrand, on the recommendation of his Minister of Culture, Jack Lang, chose Starck to renovate the President's private flats at the Elysée Palace. The following year he designed the Café Costes. Starck's output expanded to include furniture, decoration, architecture, street furniture, industry (wind turbines, photo booths), sanitary ware, kitchens, floor and wall coverings, lighting, household appliances, office equipment such as staplers, utensils, tableware, clothing, accessories, toys, glassware, graphic design and publishing, food, and vehicles for land, sea, air and space.
Um stólana.Áklæði: Poly leður.
Stál fótur.
10 stólar eftir - 9 stk. seldir.
Mál sætis: B54 x D43 sm.
Staðsett í póstnr. 103.
Verð 90.000 kr. án vsk. per stóll.
Verð 111.600 kr. m/vsk.
Áætlað verðgildi 250.000 pr. stóll.
Nánari upplýsingar í síma 8631970 / 8981000
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