Comac skúringarvél
Model: Vispa35BThe perfect replacement for manual cleaning in small and tight spaces. The Vispa 35 is the only small wet floor cleaning machine that also easily cleans corners and floors along walls.
The floor is actually washed, dried and disinfected in a single step, leaving it immediately walkable and safe. Designed for cleaning small shops, offices, canteens, restaurants, wellness centers, hairdressers, health clinics, kindergartens and schools.
Nánari upplýsingar um vélina má sjá hér.
Staðsett hjá okkur í Skeifunni 7, opið alla virka daga 11-13.
Verð 350.000 kr. án vsk.
Verð 434.000 kr. m/vsk.
Nývirði 800.000 kr. án vsk. fyrir innflutning og vörugjöld.
Nánari upplýsingar í síma 8631970 / 8981000Endurnýtum & spörum