BÍÓ Skjávarpi Christle DWU1075-GS
Skjávarpinn var að koma úr yfirfærslu í Bretlandi og er ónotaður síðan þá. Er sem nýr.
árgerð: Nóv 2021
Skjávarpinn var lítið notaður síðan hann var keyptur nýr.
Þjónustuaðili fyrir þessa skjávarpa á Íslandi er HljóðX
Nánari upplýsingar af síðu framleiðanda má skoða hér.
1 stk. til.
Staðsett í Rvk.
Af síðu framleiðanda:
- Advanced color reproduction - Laser illumination combined with Christie BoldColor Technology for the highest quality images, life-like visuals and reliability
- Durability and compactness - 20,000 hours of consistent illumination performance (hours to 50% brightness) and compact design make it easy for transportation and handling in rental staging applications
- Built-in color matching – Achieves more uniform images in a multiple projector configuration
- RealBlack™ technology – Produces the deepest possible black on-screen by completely turning off the laser light when displaying black scenes.
- Automated alignment, warping and belnding – Advanced camera*-based stacking, warping and blending capability allows for quicker setup which reduces projector installation
- Flexible Install Capability - DVI, two HDMI inputs and one HDMI loop out but still allows for analog via an HD15 connection for fixed installs and live events. For rental stagers 3GSDI is a standard input and includes a convenient loop through
- RJ45 Connections - fully compatible with the rugged and lockable EtherCon
Verð 1.209.677 kr. án vsk.
Verð 1.500.000 kr. m/vsk.
Nývirði á sjávarpanum fyrir flutningskostnað og toll 2.900.000kr.
Nánari upplýsingar í síma 8981000 / 8631970
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